Saturday, April 17, 2010

Already Come and Gone

Daniel's first birthday party...

As long as it took to plan it, his birthday party should have lasted a week.  Two hours just didn't seem long enough...  I'm ridiculously exhausted, but I'd do it again just to see his face light up over that chocolate cupcake.  I'd do it all again just to watch him walk to each table and raise his hands to each familiar face.  I'd plan for a year if I could keep this day forever etched in my mind.  I'd do it all for Daniel...

I guess it's bittersweet, knowing your child is turning one and at the same time, knowing he'll never be here at this moment in time ever again.  It's hard only because I have learned to notice how precious each moment is, and as a parent, I am strangely able to see how quickly this is all happening.

One year ago today, I didn't know what life would be like with a child.  I was 39 weeks along, and I was so ready for Daniel to be here that I didn't picture what I thought might happen.  I didn't know what life would be like a year AFTER that.  I never had a thought in my mind about his first birthday party decorations or what he should wear on that special day.

Nevertheless, in just two short hours and months of planning, his first year has already been celebrated, and it won't be long before he'll be turning two.  So, just for this moment, and in this late hour, I want to picture today as it truly was...

Truly wonderful.  Ridiculously overwhelming.  Perfectly planned.  Significantly blessed.

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