Tuesday, April 14, 2015

With God, All Things are Possible

When we met with Samuel's neurosurgeon a little over three weeks ago, I can honestly say I (Jenna) immediately felt as though we were facing a battle that was impossible. It felt so much bigger than us. I felt small and insignificant. I realized quickly that Samuel's diagnosis was completely out of my hands. As a mom, that was a tough realization.

We were told Samuel needed to see an opthamologist and a neurologist, but that it would be at least six weeks before we could get into neurology.

However, I followed the instructions given by the specialist, constantly journaling his symptoms, and doing my best to wait patiently on the nurse to call us with our son's next necessary appointments despite his symptoms increasing.

Days became a week. One week became two. Two weeks have now become a little over three. Yesterday, we got the call we never expected.

Samuel will be seen this Thursday, April 16th, by neurology!

So many days I have felt as though the struggle is impossible and we won't make it to the next point, but God keeps showing up and reminding me that this is completely out of my hands. It is in His. The neurosurgeon (NS) said it was unlikely to get into neurology in 6 weeks' time, but with God, it is.

God makes the impossible possible. I want to cling to that hope this week! He knows what is ahead for our Samuel, and He made a way through an impossible way to have him seen this week.

Please pray that we can get a better understanding of Samuel's diagnosis and symptoms at his appointment.

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