Saturday, April 18, 2015


I had a wise man today tell me that he just didn't believe it. He was going to choose to trust that God could heal Samuel's condition of Chiari, and he was going to pray to that end.

Do you know what I said?! I immediately told him it was unlikely. That the same MAN (Jesus) who made the lame walk, blind see, and dead rise couldn't reverse or heal this malformation within my child's head?! Standing there with him, it was easy to state medical facts that I have researched or been told, but my faith perspective wasn't coming into focus.

Oh, but he made me see it so differently. I don't know what will happen, but I sure want to change my perspective in light of this conversation. It is so easy to become focused on the difficulties of this condition and the symptoms we are facing and lose sight of WHO is in control of it. God does not change. He does not love us any less. He wants us to cling to Him that much more. I believe that this will be what God decides it to be, and I pray Samuel's Chiari story (and whatever else he is diagnosed with) will be used to bring the Lord glory.

Perspective... it changes everything, and lately, I am sorry to say I have been looking at links online instead of facts in THE BOOK - the holy, inspired Word of God. My friend today gave me perspective, and I really needed to hear it.

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