Saturday, November 11, 2006

Rolling with the Punches.

Remember hearing that as a kid? I do. My dad used to tell me that all of the time. I always remembered thinking that I wasn't being punched so I didn't have anything to roll away from or with. It's taken years for me to understand what that meant... And now, I have a new perspective on what my daddy was trying to say.

I've spent my life rolling with the punches the devil has given me. It seems as if he's handed out an awful lot lately. I'm not meaning to sound negative or sad because I'm not for I've found that when I'm at my lowest, I seem to be closer to God.

I just don't seem to understand why things in life have to be so difficult, so incapable of understanding, and ridiculously impossible to face alone. And yet, I find that I can face them, and I prove myself and my childish ways of thinking wrong.

Maybe, you're thinking, "Wake up, Jenna, that's where God's coming in." Let me just say that that's NOT where God's coming in; it's where He's hitting me in the face. Sometimes that's the only way to get my attention lately. Knock me completely off of my feet, pull the only level ground I have out from underneath me, catch me on unsteady bridges and broken paths, and TOTALLY throw me off guard.

Things aren't easy in my life right now; I seem to crave simplicity, but if I had it I'd be complaining that I was bored. God has given me some amazing opportunities, "punches" as I like to call them, and I sometimes pass them right up. It's ultimately up to me to take my life and make it what I want it to be. I can choose to live it for the Lord or not. I'd rather be given God's precious punches than hits from the devil any day...

Not every punch I'm given is a bad one. Some just take me off of my "high horse," while others teach me that my mouth has gotten the best of me yet again. More times than not, however, the hits I've been given have been for the best. They've been blessings in disguise from the Lord. I guess when you are hurting, you see it as a negative thing; you don't stop to see the growth God is providing.

That's what it's all about; I'm rolling with His punches...

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