Sunday, December 23, 2012

7 Month Milestones

Time, you can start standing still now.  Please.

In His 7th Month, Elias:
Weighed 22 lbs.
Wore 18 month clothes.
Wore size 3-4 in diapers.
Loved his Mommy.
Said, "ma-ma," often.

Had fun for Thanksgiving!
Went to Uncle David's on Thanksgiving Day.
Stayed with Mimi while Mom and Dad shopped.
Met Mommy's dearest friend, Amanda.
Always was on his belly.
Was very curious.
Wanted to know what was going on.
Watched every move Mommy made.
Pulled hair.
Drooled.  A LOT.
Had tried bananas, apples, squash, and rice cereal.
Only seemed to like squash.
Saw his first Christmas tree at Mimi's.
Saw the pediatric pulmonologist again.
Scheduled to have a bronchoscopy.
Wheezed all the time.
Sick with ear infections and bronchialitis again.
Had his bronchoscopy on December 3rd.
Has tracheo, laryngo, and broncho malacia.
Suspected to have silent reflux and/or reactive airway.
Was amazing.
Never cried despite long hours of no milk.
Watched as we put up his/our Christmas tree.
Had the sweetest grin/smile - his whole face looks pinched!
Was able to scoot himself to where he wanted to be.
Started sitting himself up on his own.
Sat straight up.
Loved his jumperoo.
Took naps in his jumperoo and swing.
Went to West TN for Daddy's Union University graduation.
Daddy completed his Master's in Christian Studies!
Stayed at Mema's house and had Christmas.
Got a Mickey Mouse and lift-a-flap book.
Really likes books.
Had a terrible, reoccurring rash on his chin and cheeks.
In just a month, Elias went from rolling to scooting, crawling, and sitting up on his own.

He loves to play with Mom in the floor!

In waiting for the bronchoscopy...
Getting impatient but not crying.

Sweet boy after his procedure.
Just wanted to get that thing
off of his arm.

Samuel near about squishes
and squeezes and hugs Elias 
to death.  
Elias doesn't always like 
Samuel's acts of affection.
You wouldn't know it here!

My favorite grin of Elias'

Sitting up in a restaurant high chair
for the very first time - 
Smiling at Lisa :)

Weird rash.  
Dislike it.
Leave Elias alone.

Playing with Mickey.
Or at least trying to figure him out.

Other than his Mommy,
Elias' favorite person just might be
his big brother, Daniel.

Um, yes, Mom,
I can help you wrap my presents.
WHILE sitting up all by myself.

On his way to being just like his brothers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jenna he is getting so big. Thanks for keeping me up to date.