Friday, September 7, 2012


There is just something about having three children that has really changed my life.  Be it that I now honestly have no time for myself or the fact that I really don't have enough arms...  or eyes.  It could be that I'm constantly picking up messes, changing diapers, making samliches (aka sandwiches), and praying that I'll actually get a shower each day. 

No matter how you see it, life changes when children enter into it.  It's not easy.  It's probably the most challenging thing I have personally ever done.  I lose my temper daily hourly.  I get frustrated, raise my voice, and get so tired of whining and needing to discipline.  There are days when I really wish God would let me go back to teaching, but most days, I realize that my job is to teach these three little boys to love Him.

You see, in these trying moments with my toddlers, I'm forced to lean on God in every circumstance.  I feel I'm far too impatient and unskilled to train them.  However, I'm facing up to the fact that God has allowed me this great opportunity, and He knows what I'm capable of even if I don't.  Despite my many imperfections as a mother, I'm learning to beg Him to change me so that my children can see the change He's done in me

Isn't that my job in life?  I was created and made to show others Christ in me.  He designed these boys for me, and He has given me the knowledge (and faith) to take each day as it comes.  Everyone is already asking when we'll have another, and honestly, I don't know what God has in store.  What I'm certain of is that these three boys are the best things God has used to change me and draw me closer to Him.  Life before this seems so incomplete without these precious faces in it.

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