Monday, May 23, 2011

Samuel Levi Turns One

It's passed way too quickly!  In just a year, our sweet miracle has become this amazing curly-haired, blue-eyed cutie.  His personality is growing rapidly, and though he is still as calm-mannered as one could imagine, we are beginning to see signs of one determined little boy!  What a blessing Samuel has been to us for the past twelve months!

In His 12th Month, Samuel:
Weighed 20 pounds and 10 ounces (20th percentile).
Was 28 inches long (5th percentile).
Wore a size 3 wide in shoes.
Finally fit into 12 month clothes.
Wore sizes 3 and/or 4 in diapers.
Patted Mommy's back whenever she hed him.
Loved balloons, balls, and Elmo.
Said uh-oh, da-da, ball, hi, and wow.
FINALLY began crawling full-time!
Stood on his own for the first time.
Got 3 shots at his 1 year checkup.
Always clapped.
Imitated faces of others - the silly grin was the best!
Liked chicken nuggets and ice cream.
Bread was his favorite food.
Fruit Loops, Puffs, and Crunchies come in a close tie for 2nd.
Was switched to whole milk only.
Still working on making the sippy cup only switch.
Would sit for a LONG time throwing the ball to you.
Liked stealing Daniel's trains from him.
Got pushed quite a few times by his brother.
Shopped on his actual birthday for party supplies.
Was SUPER ticklish!
Got his 3rd and 4th teeth!
Made the "surprised" face all the time!
Went to his friend, Hannah's first birthday party.
Got a new car seat for his birthday from Mommy & Daddy.
Was able to sit forward facing in the car!
Was as sweet as EVER...
Started showing signs of mischieviousness. 
Made a mess with baby wipes!
Spent a week in Michigan for revival.

Went to the Detroit Zoo on a HOT day!
His hair finally grew long enough for us to discover...
That it is SUPER curly!  :)
Did I mention he made the most HILARIOUS faces?!

Happy as can be at the dinner table!

Showing how he can crawl!

Samuel's "goofy" grin - one of our favorite faces!

Celebrating Hannah's 1st birthday!

The "surprised" face!  LOL.

Loving on Elmo

Watching t.v. with his big brother

Taking a bath, about to wash his CURLY HAIR!

Oh, Meijer, how we love your shopping carts!
Now, could you please move your stores to TN?!

Eating snacks at the Atlantic Coney Island in Detroit

What we thought of the Detroit Zoo

Riding together

Eating cookies with icing on his 1st birthday!

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