Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Jenna... That's Who I Am.

My dear friend, Shelby, tagged me into answering questions about myself...  Boo.  I know, you'd rather see pictures of my boys, but you are stuck with me.

1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I am completely and utterly happy with where I am.  Seems silly to say, but I cannot think of anywhere I'd rather be than in Tennessee.  I am aware that I may not always be here; I am married to a man I met for the first time on a mission trip in Jamaica.  His heart will always be wherever the Lord leads him...  So, I will always follow.  Now, on Sunday mornings, when we're running late and attempting to make it to Nashville in less than 30 minutes, I'd say smack dab in the center of Nashville!

2. What is your favorite band?
Um, you'll probably laugh, but my favorite bands will always and forever be Alabama and The Judds.  I'm a sucker for both of them.  I travelled to Louisville to see Alabama on their Farewell Tour in college, and when The Judds announced their split, I honestly hid behind my Nana's recliner and cried when I saw the "Love Can Build a Bridge" video on CMT.  I must admit that I got super excited just a week ago when I heard The Judds may actually be making a comeback!

3. If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be?
I'd love to be a teacher again for just one day.  I know that doesn't really answer the question, but I think it would solve many of my questions.  If I was given the opportunity to teach again for one day, I'd either realize that I'd given up my deepest passion OR I'd learn that God has me exactly where He wants me...  with my sweet boys.

4. Concert or Broadway show?
I've seen it before, but I'd love to see Phantom again...  Concerts are a dime a dozen.  However, Broadway shows CANNOT be outdone.

5. Theme song for your life?
Made to Worship by Chris Tomlin:
You and I were made to worship
You and I were called to love
You and I are forgiven and free
You and I embrace surrender
You and I choose to believe
You and I will see, we were meant to be.

6. Would you choose a fancy dinner at a nice restaurant or a picnic in the park?
Fancy dinner.  I'm even envisioning one now!  Our dear friends gave Brian a gift card to P.F. Changs for his 30th, and I've been counting down the days until we get to use it...  I mean, he just got it 3 days ago.

7. Favorite place to shop?
Online.  Anywhere online.  I love finding promo codes for wherever I'm looking and getting free shipping on nearly anything.  I just love it!  It's like a scavenger hunt for deals!  I am fairly fond of New York and Company right now...  Only because I'm a few pounds away from pre-pregnancy weight already, and I'm too small :) for maternity clothes!  WOOHOO.

8. Favorite movie?
Without a doubt, it's A Time to Kill.  I get inspired every time I watch it.  I really enjoy The Blind Side, Love Comes Softly, and Anne of Green Gables.  Honestly, I love movies that move me.  If I don't walk away from a movie feeling changed or pushed to do something differently in life, I feel as though I've wasted time.

I'm tagging:
Katie and Brittany

1 comment:

Shelby said...

I LOVE ANNE OF GREEN GABLES!!! It's one of my faves!