Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A Farmer's Daughter

(Posted On Saturday, June 3, 2006)

John Deere pulling that plow again...

It's been a tough week, but even after losing my uncle a week ago, our family has kept going with what they're called to do. Yesterday, they set the remaining 13 acres of the 53 acres of tobacco Warren Brother Farms had intended on setting this year. The brothers and sons of my uncle did what they would have done whether he was here or not and that's farming. Over 20 friends came to help and volunteer in honor of my uncle. Now that is truly amazing... Instead of working on their own fields, they were busy helping the Warren family with ours. I hope that explains why losing Gerald has been so difficult. He was a man that just had a presence. It wasn't always easy to be around. He bugged the fire out of me at times, all his pinching and joking, but he was just someone you loved being around. Always.

It's been years ago but I helped on the farm once. I am and will forever be a city girl although my daddy is a country boy. My dad and his brothers are farmers, and they love what they do. The one day I helped, I realized that farming wasn't for me... I actually couldn't stand it. It rained, and the tobacco gum was in my eyes and all over my clothes and I stunk like I'd never smelled before. My uncle Gerald laughed and called me "Egghead" all day long, and how appropriate it was that I had worn my Greenbrier Bobcats t-shirt that day. Needless to say, Gerald was thrilled when it rained and that shirt was ruined and became nothing but a "cutting the grass" one because he felt that's where it belonged. He was funny like that. I didn't like farming after that day, and I never went and farmed again. I rode the tractors from time to time, but I never cut again. As I look back on that day, it is now one of the most cherished days of my life. We took one of the only pictures I have with my uncle that day. I learned to respect my family and what their job is that day.

It's been a tough week in a lot of ways. Losing someone in your family is never easy, but learning to move on without them is even more tough. I know how sad I've sounded, and it's been because I am... You never are ready for your life to change this way. I wasn't at all. I've experienced emotions I didn't know I had this week. I've been to the lowest of lows and I've been happier than I've ever been. I have seen people crying that I've never seen cry before; I've seen grown men break down. I've seen children deal with the loss of their father, their friend, a mentor, a boss. I've seen a wife be incredibly strong for her family and friends. I've seen a family laugh and smile over the memories they now hold so dear. I've witnessed a family come together over the death of one of their own, and it's been tragic and fulfilling. It's been hard and exciting at the same time.

I have found that I'm not only a farmer's daughter... I'm a part of a farming family... I am a granddaughter, daughter, niece, and cousin to some farmer that I'm so proud of. This past week has really taught me to be thankful and grateful for my family and what it is they do... I am. I really am. And for as much as my uncle is missed, I believe he's proud that they've carried on, just as he would have done for them...

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