Sunday, March 26, 2006

I'd Be Lying If I Didn't Say...

  • Last night might have been one of the greatest nights of my life.
  • Sharing testimonies, feeling the Spirit, and understanding doubts with a friend is the sweetest piece of grace I've ever received from the Lord.
  • The friend understands me better than I understand myself, and I know everything about him without his knowing so.
  • The Lord has built what was a horrible relationship into the best friendship I could have ever imagined.
  • He is the best guitarist I've ever heard, and he's going to teach me how. Thanks for the lesson last night.
  • My guitar sounded A-M-A-Z-I-N-G when my friend was playing it, despite what he thinks and says...
  • Michelle Branch and Aslyn brought about one of the strangest moods I've ever had, and just sitting in that room, hearing their voices, and singing with him was pure contentment.
  • Garden State is a fantastic movie. I've never felt more at ease or comfortable with myself as I did when I watched that movie.
  • Peach oatmeal is disgusting. Period. Makes no difference if you use water or milk. It's just gross. OH, but thank you for making it for me.
  • Our honesty with one another about what happened with us, about our faults, about trusting God, and about where we want our lives to go goes against my wanting to hide my feelings. He brings out the best and worst in me, and I'm thankful for that.
  • I feel human when I'm with this friend. I'm not overwhelmed; I am insecure at times, but then he reassures me not to be; I feel comfortable and safe when he looks at and talks to me. I feel like this is what God wants a friendship to be like, and even though, we've dated, I have no doubt about our intentions. I know he loves me, and I know that we're always going to be friends.
  • That no one should never stay up until 5:00 in the morning. You'll have the worst headache ever.
  • Eyedrops are a gift from above. My eyes breath because of you.
  • I didn't know how fun sitting on a couch, doing nothing, would be.
  • God has a hand in this. Another friend of mine last week told me to ask God to give me the opportunity to share my testimony, my faith, God's love with someone each week. I was discouraged because yesterday was the last day in the week, and I hadn't talked with anyone. Last night changed that. We shared our testimonies, and we discussed how God has moved into my life. He doesn't always feel that, and maybe this is why God waited until last night to open up this particular door for me and for him...

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